Don DiStefano movie list

Don is a retired Detective-Sergeant from the San Francisco Bay Area city of Vallejo California. Don worked crimes against persons, developing a specialty in homicide and suspicious death investigation and is recognized as a subject matter expert by California POST. Don served on the Hostage Negotiations Team, Field Training Unit and the Solano County CA Sex Offender Task Force and the Officer Involved Fatal Incident Investigation Team. After retirement, Don relocated to Connecticut where he joined Quinnipiac University as the Director of Investigations for the Public Safety Department. Don serves on the University's Threat Assessment Team and now holds the rank of Captain. Don also serves as a Team ADAM Consultant with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children where he assists law enforcement agencies with cold case reviews and critically endangered missing children investigations. Don was featured as the Investigative Consultant for the HBO series Murder on Middle Beach (2020) and is featured in a new project involving the Zodiac Serial Killer soon to be released (2024). Don is a Connecticut licensed private investigator and owner of Madison Investigative Services, LLC. Don served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps, Military Police and hold a Bachelor's degree in Management from Saint Mary's College of California and a Master's degree in Organizational Leadership from Quinnipiac University.