Kayla Jane movie list

Slim and sexy 5'5" brunette stunner Kayla Jane was born on May 28, 1986 in New York City. Kayla graduated from high school early and attended the Parsons School of Design in New York City as a fashion design student. Moreover, Jane was also a go-go dancer and burlesque performer in New York City clubs before she began modeling for the company Burning Angel at age eighteen. Kayla has since gone on to establish herself as a top "It" girl in the fetish fields of bondage and lesbian foot worship. Besides running her own adult website My Doll Parts, Jane has not only worked as a director and/or performer for such companies as Filly Films, FM Concepts, and Provocateur Pictures, but also has posed for pictorials in Hustler's Taboo magazine and has appeared in a large volume of music videos for a wide variety of pop, metal, and hip hop bands and singers.