Carl Burrows movie list

Carl Burrows was born as Edward Carl Burrows in Paterson, NJ. A versatile actor, producer and occasional stuntman, with years of consistent, professional success in film, television, live/recorded industrial & educational presentations, and VO's. His additional credits include over 300+ principal appearances in local, regional and national commercials/infomercials. "Doc", as he is known to friends and colleagues, is a Montclair State University (NJ) alumni, co-founder/director of the wild west troupe Spirits of the Old West, member of SAG-AFTRA AEA, Passaic County Film Commission, Bergen County Players Inc., Passaic County Historical Society. A "jack of all trades, master of at least a few", handyman, outdoors-man, athlete... former teacher, counselor, plumber... his considerable off-camera industry strengths would include locations, on/off set management, a quick thinker, problem solver, people wrangler, diplomat. Over the years, Carl has volunteered his time and talent in person, and on/off camera, to the Partnership For a Drug Free America, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Several Sources Foundation, March of Dimes, Tomorrow's Children Fund, Good Samaritan Hospital, Railmen For Children, New Jersey Network (PBS).