Erika Jordan movie list

Erika was born in Ansbach, Germany and she moved to Tucson, Arizona at an early age. She lives in Southern California, working as a dating consultant, and NLP Practitioner. Erika Jordan is a prolific actress, glamour model, and sex columnist. She co-starred in the epic thriller, After Midnight, and appeared in movies like the comedy, Stretch with Chris Pine, Piranahconda, Operation Repo, Chavez, Cage of Glory", the Showtime series "House Of Lies," was eaten by a shark in Avalanche Sharks. At age 20, Erika lucked out with a gig as the weather girl for the Weekend Flash which started her 10 year contract with Playboy TV. Her modeling career has placed her in Playboy Magazine 8 times to date, including being named one of the "Top 100 Most Beautiful Women in the World" by Playboy and Maxim. She has modeled for Lamborghini, Peach DVD, Gear Head, Just Tires, Malibu Springs, Vantage Point, and International Auto Saloon. Erika Jordan got hired by a dating website in 2010 to answer questions about love and dating and got hooked! Erika pursued her passion by getting certified as a love coach under Dr. Ava Cadell and continued by studying and getting certified in NLP and as a ACE certified health coach. She's currently working on her masters in MFT and created a successful six week program to help men acquire the skills to approach women with confidence! You can sign up for The Art Of Pickup at PlaymatePickup.