Stacey Daly movie list

Stacey grew up in Newport, South Wales then went on to study acting in central London at The Bridge Theatre Training Company, observing the training principles of Meisner technique and Stanislavski. She landed her first notable film roles under the mentorship of acclaimed film maker Karl Francis in "Asboland" and "Nutters". An experienced theatre actress, Stacey is also the Artistic Director of theatre company, 'silence, darkness', which she set up with assistance from Arts Council Wales to produce "Bash", a modern retelling of the Greek myths of 'Medea and 'Iphigenia'. Stacey has also played 'Elaine' in the BBC1 RTA Winning, The Indian Doctor (2010) starring opposite Sanjeev Bhaskar Most recently, Stacey has played lead roles in feature films, "Little Monster" and "Desperate Measures"; the latter being directed by BAFTA Winning, Peter Watkins-Hughes ( "Desperate Measures" tells the story of Michelle (played by Stacey) a single mum caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with a gang of illegal money lenders. The film is due to air on BBC and SKY later this year.