Shashie Vermaa movie list

Shashie Vermaa hailing from Sitamarhi, Bihar, embarked on his artistic journey through theatre in Delhi, where he flourished as a playwright and play director. Transitioning to the screen, he made his debut in the film "Shorgul". Vermaa showcased his versatility with notable roles in films like "Shorgul" alongside Jimmy Shergill and Ashutosh Rana, "Bala" with Ayushman Khurana, and series such as "Panchayat" Chacha Vidhayak hain tumhare , ye kaali kaali ankhe, beqarar Dil. He has been featured in more than 100 Tvc of top brands along with various star like Anil Kapoor, Akshay Kumar.aliya Bhatt, Mahendra Singh dhoni and many more. Reflecting on his journey, Vermaa emphasizes his passion for exploring diverse characters on screen. Initially drawn to writing and directing, he seamlessly transitioned into acting, driven by a desire to delve into new roles and dimensions.