Reanna Cameron movie list

Reanna Cameron was born and raised in the Vancouver, BC area. From a young age, she found her calling, passion, and niche in the creative arts and in storytelling. She started at the tender age of 7, where she bossed around her older cousins as the producer, director and lead actor in shows put on at family reunions. In high school, she participated in many theatre productions, behind the scenes, as well as on stage. She graduated from York University in Toronto with an International Bilingual Bachelor of Arts in 2015, where she studied acting, film, and psychology (oddly, or not so oddly enough). She then moved to London, England, where started working in the VFX industry. In 2018, after gallivanting around London and Europe, she moved back to Vancouver, BC. Since then, she has built up quite a resume in many different aspects of film production. Currently, you can find her performing, developing, producing, distributing, and writing on various exciting projects across many mediums.