Mason Pike movie list

Mad Man Mason, Mason Bryce Pike, is an American professional wrestling referee and actor born in LaGrange, Ga. Pike began acting in 3rd grade at West Side Magnet School, under the direction of storyteller Carol Cain. There Pike learned to write scenes, preform written and provided material, improv, and also to play the violin. Pike started in the Professional Wrestling business in 2008, being trained by wrestling legend: "The Golden Boy" Chick Donavon. When high school began, Pike joined the Troup County High School drama and improv teams to continue this pursuit. Upon graduation with honors in 2014, Pike moved to Atlanta to begin work in film and studying at Georgia State University. While completing his bachelors in political science and prelaw, Pike started as a full time background artist in 2014 working on films such as Goosebumps (SONY), Term Life (WWE), Fake off (TruTV), Finding Carter (MTV), Spider-Man: Homecoming (Marvel), Constantine (NBC), and Family Feud in 2015. Pike has appeared in two commercials: one for Zaxbys and another for ESPN. Shortly after, Pike began Standing-in and Photodoubling on many films and tv shows such as The Walking Dead (AMC), Jungle Cruise (Disney), Game Night, Lovecraft Country (HBO), Cobra Kai (YouTube red), Soul Train, and a Kansas City pilot that never surfaced. During this time, Pike worked closely under the direction of directors Greg Nicotero, Tyler Perry, Jason Bateman, Ang Lee, and Brett Morgen. Pike graduated from GSU with honors early in 2017. In hopes of moving from "second team" to "first team", Pike signed with East Coast Talent in January of 2019 and has been with the agency since. . .