Kate Lush movie list

Kate Lush is a British Intimacy Coordinator and Movement Coach based in South Africa. Kate has an Intimacy Coordination company called Safe Sets which she runs with the South African Film Director, Sara Blecher, and together with the Safe Sets team, recently partnered with Netflix to train Intimacy Coordinators in the EMEA region. In 2021, amongst other projects, Kate Lush was the Intimacy Coordinator on Raised by Wolves Season 2 (HBO Max), The Power Season 1 (Amazon Prime), Troukoors (Showmax) and Dinge van 'n Kind (kykNET). In addition to coordinating for both local and international productions, Kate has run intimacy coordination workshops, co-founded IPSA (Intimacy Practitioners South Africa), co-founded The IPG (The Intimacy Practitioners' Guild UK/EU), has produced the South African Guide to working with Intimate Content with IPSA and the South African Film Community as a whole, and is one of the IC Reps for BECTU in the UK.